The Nordic Business Ethics Survey is a pioneering survey into employees’ views on ethics across multiple business sectors and job roles, which was conducted for the first time in 2019.

The 2020 edition of the Survey was extended to Denmark, and now include 4.000 respondents from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In addition to the general Survey questions, we also added some ‘Ethics Pulse‘ questions relating to hot topics. The Survey is enabled by the generous support from Forensic Risk Alliance.

Together with several cooperation partners we have planned an exciting ‘release tour’, where you can join us to talk about the survey results both in small live events as well as live streams and webinars.

* Nordic Business Ethics Pulse was conducted in the end of February 2020 on 4.000 respondents by TNS Kantar, the respondents were equally distributed from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Forensic Risk Alliance is sponsoring the survey. The full 2020 results will be launched in live stream on October 1st.