Nordic Business Ethics Survey 2022

A study of Nordic employees’ perception of ethics at work

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The Nordic Business Ethics Survey is a pioneering survey into employees’ views on ethics across multiple business sectors and job roles, which was conducted for the first time in 2019.

The 2022 edition of the Survey was extended to Estonia, and now include 5.000 respondents from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Estonia.

2022 survey highlights include:

  • Are ethical compromises inevitable? Over half of all respondents say that they have compromised on ethical standards at their workplace during the last year. The survey also reveal interesting differences between age groups and gender.  
  • Is your organisation ready for an intensifying speak-up culture? We see a significant improvement in how employees intervene in misconduct.  
  • Senior executives most frequently say they have been retaliated against when raising ethical concerns. How does this impact the culture in our organisations?  
  • Is your Code of Conduct a wasted investment? Every second employee in a listed company do not recognise that their organisation has a Code of Conduct.   

Survey sponsors

We thank our partners for the financial support to conduct Nordic Business Ethics Survey.

Forensic Risk Alliance (FRA) is an international consultancy which works with global corporations and their counsel to identify, analyse and mitigate the risks associated with transactional compliance obligations, litigation and investigations.

In over 20 years of client service excellence, we have supported multinational companies such as Airbus, Telia Company and Rolls Royce in high-stakes cross-border matters. Our core areas of expertise are forensic accounting, data analytics and data governance, technology solutions and forensics.

Visit us at to find out more about our services and global presence, including our offices in Helsinki and Stockholm and our Nordic data centre.

Suomalais-ruotsalaisen kauppakamarin (FINSVE) tavoitteena on Suomen Ruotsiin suuntautuvan viennin edistäminen. FINSVE palvelee molempien maiden yrityksiä ja muita Suomen ja Ruotsin välisestä kaupasta kiinnostuneita tiedottamalla, antamalla neuvoja ja tekemällä markkina-analyysejä Ruotsissa. FINSVE järjestää tilaisuuksia molemminpuolisten kauppasuhteiden edistämiseksi. FINSVE avaa mahdollisuuksia solmia uusia liikesuhteita ja on arvostettu toimija, joka tuottaa lisäarvoa jäsenilleen ja yhteistyökumppaneilleen.

DLA Piper is the leading business law firm in the Nordic region and the only law firm with a truly pan-Nordic presence. With five offices located in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm, and more than 450 lawyers we are able to provide consistent and efficient services locally and across borders.

The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Sw: Institutet Mot Mutor “IMM”) is a non-profit organization founded in 1923.

The Institute’s mission is to promote ethical decision processes within business as well as within the rest of the community and to prevent the use of bribes and other types of corruption as a means for affecting decision processes.

The Institute puts great emphasis on information to businesses and trade confederations, media and authorities on ethical business behaviour including laws and court cases on corruptive marketing and bribery.

The Institute has since its inception worked for self regulation as a means to combat corruption in society. In this manner, private business has been a driving force in the struggle against bribery and corruption and in convincing the government about the importance of forceful legislation on this topic.