RECORDING AVAILABLE: EthicsTalk Live: book club with Richard- The Behavioral Code and the Hidden Ways the Law Makes Us Better. . . or Worse! A live discussion with co-author Professor Benjamin Van Rooij
May 25 · Hybrid from STOCKHOLM
13-14.00 CEST
The Behavioral Code’ explores tension between code and conduct. Benjamin van Rooij and Adam Fine’s book is an exposition on shaping laws and codes to “human and organizational behavior” that lends to the discussion on how behavioral science can inform ethics and compliance programs.
Richard Bistrong and Hayaat Ibrahim interviews Professor van Rooij and Anna Romberg on the themes of the book. This EthicsTalk LIVE is a hybrid event – watch online or join us live in Stockholm. There is also a possibility to join Anna Romberg, Richard Bistrong, Hayaat Ibrahim and Professor van Rooij for a pre-webinar lunch starting and mingle with like-minded professionals.
The event is organised in collaboration with DLA Piper and The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute.

Experts speaking at the event

Richard worked as the Vice President of International Sales for a large, publicly traded multinational, which also required him to live and work internationally. In 2007, Richard was targeted by the United States Department of Justice in a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation and was terminated by his employer.
In that same year, as part of a cooperation agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice and a subsequent Immunity From Prosecution Agreement in the United Kingdom, Richard assisted the U.S. Government, the U.K. Government, and other enforcement agencies in an undercover capacity in their investigations of FCPA, bribery and other criminal conspiracies.
In 2012, Richard was sentenced as part of a Plea Agreement, and served fourteen-and-a-half months at a U.S. Federal Prison Camp, returning home in December, 2013.
Currently, through his consultancy, Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC, Richard now conducts corporate workshops and keynotes to sales teams, leadership groups (including boards and c-suite executives) and compliance teams (including internal audit, finance and HR).

Hayaat Ibrahim is the Secretary-General of the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute. She previously joined from a leading Swedish law firm providing advice to companies in the area of Corporate Crime & Compliance.
Her area of expertise includes anti-bribery and corruption business and human rights as well as internal investigations.
Hayaat is passionate about sustainable business, anti-corruption and human rights and has previously been recognized as Swedish Super Talent, Top Leaders under 35 and one of Sweden’s Most Powerful within Sustainability.

Anna has a passion for ethical business, good governance and compliance. She is known for her pragmatic and results oriented approach and for ”making things happen in complex organisations”.
Anna was responsible for the well recognized Anti-Bribery program at Telia Company and has supported numerous global companies with governance and compliance related matters as an executive and through her own business. She is currently a member of the executive management team at the leading Medical Device company Getinge, heading the global Legal, Compliance and Governance function.
Anna is a PhD and lifelong learner, her research focus on the human aspect of E&C programs and the importance of adequate corporate governance to support lasting cultural change. She has co-authored the book ”The Grey Zone – a practical guide to corporate conduct, compliance and business ethics”.

Benjamin studies and teaches about the interaction between law and behavior. His current research focuses on individual differences in compliance, toxic corporate culture, and assumptions about behavioral change.
His past work looked at compliance, regulatory law enforcement and access to justice in China in a comparative perspective. He is also co-editor of Regulation & Governance, and founding convener of ComplianceNet a global network of compliance scholars.
He currently leads an ERC-funded research project about behavioral assumptions in the field of law. In addition, he collaborates with an interdisciplinary team to study how organizational culture affects organizational misconduct.
He is the co-author of The Behavioral Code (Beacon Press 2021), and co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (CUP 2021) and Measuring Compliance (CUP 2022).”
12:00 Pre-webinar lunch
12:45 Registration to the webinar online
13:00 Welcome from the moderator – Anna Romberg, NBE Founder
A few words to dive into the topic and introducing the Ethics Talk LIVE partners and guests
13:05 Discussion
The moderators will also take in questions from the audience, which can be presented during the Ethics Talk via chat.
14:00 Closing
Time zone is on CEST (Stockholm)